Galactic Fandango

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Galactic Fandango © 2023 by Shane Ivers is licensed under CC BY 4.0 Creative Commons logoCCBY icon

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Royalty Free Space Opera Music

Big cinematic space sounds, but kind of whacky! It’s a full orchestra with funky guitars, and spacey synths.

This one comes courtesy of patron Case! For his Star Wars podcast. If you want a custom track, why not sign up?

Looking for an epic and unique soundtrack for your next content creation project? Look no further than this big, cinematic space-inspired musical piece! With a full orchestra, including funky guitars and spacey synths, this track offers a one-of-a-kind sound that is sure to capture your audience’s attention. The combination of traditional orchestral instruments with modern, unconventional elements creates a sound that is both classic and fresh, making it perfect for a wide range of content, from sci-fi and fantasy to comedy and beyond. Whether you’re creating a podcast intro, a promotional video, or a film trailer, this track is guaranteed to make your content stand out. So why settle for a generic, cookie-cutter soundtrack when you can have something truly unique and memorable? Give this funky, spacey orchestral track a listen and see for yourself!


For space adventure stories featuring a rag-tag bunch of loveable characters.

BPM: 104

ISRC: UKEZT2300008

Royalty Free Music by Shane Ivers

License Options

LicenseUse Without CreditPrice
Creative CommonsNoFREE!
Pro LicenseYes$25
Patreon SubscriptionYesFrom $10 a month for all tracks

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