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- Royalty Free Music18th Century, 8 bit, 80s, ahistorical, Bach, baroque, bleep, bloop, bright, castle, chiptune, chipy, computer, fifths, game, histrical, logical, methodical, old, oldies, post-modern, regency, relaxed, SID chip, timpani, video gamebrokeRoyalty Free Baroque Chiptune MusicShane Ivers2020If Bach had a Commodore 64, he probably would have made something like this. Very precise and methodical 8-bit chirps and beeps, playing a classic baroque-style tune. Even, flowing, and formulaic – it says things without really going anywhere.Would clearly be amazing in a pixelly game set in 18th Century Germany. Or as background music for some cool 8-bit artwork.https://silvermansound.com/music/broke.mp3https://silvermansound.com/music/direct_download.php?file=broke.mp31413:00-3:29UKEZT2000016https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPrqV9StHPAhttps://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/shaneivers/brokeChiptune, OldiesBright, RelaxedDrums, Synth